Two Toyne Tailored Pumpers Delivered to North Strabane VFD


Breda, Iowa - Toyne was once again tasked with building additional apparatus for the North Strabane Fire Department in Canonsburg, PA. The department, which is comprised of over 45 firefighters, both career and volunteer, recently accepted delivery of two new pumpers, their fourth and fifth Toyne Tailored Apparatus.

The two identical pumpers feature a Toyne bolted, painted, stainless steel body, and have been mounted on a Spartan Metro Star LFD 10” cab and chassis. North Strabane’s newest apparatus are driven by a Cummins ISL 450 hp engine and an Allison 3000 EVS transmission.

Equipped with a Hale Qmax 2000 pump, UPF 750 gallon tank, and a Hale 2.1A Foam Logix foam system, North Strabane’s pumpers are built ready to take on even the most daunting fire fight. An Onan 8k hydraulic generator, and Fire Research telescoping lights help provide crucial on-scene support when needed.

The North Strabane Fire Department operates out of three stations, protecting the nearly 9,000 residents of Canonsburg, PA, which is approximately 18 miles southwest of Pittsburgh.

North Strabane’s latest pumpers were sold by Toyne Authorized Dealer Tri State Fire.